Thursday, April 8, 2021

Bento Box...

During one of my routine mindless social media feed scrollings, I came across a video very similar to this one. This lady, Jessica, makes TikTok videos of preparing the most adorable bento style lunches for her daughters. I mean, LOOK!! She makes teddy bears out of rice!

I watched the entire 4 minute video in awe...and then almost immediately looked up more bento box videos...and before the evening was over, I'd declared to my husband and kiddo that I'm going to start making bento box lunches! (Want to get me very quickly interested/obsessed with something? Make it tiny, kawaii, and edible! lol)

I did some looking around online and found a few different bento boxes that I thought would be good for beginners...though, maybe there isn't as much challenge with the boxes themselves, and all of the difficulty will come from food prep. 

This is the box I ended up selecting. Turns out, it's the same box that Jessica uses in her videos for her daughters...I wanna say that it's a happy coincidence that I chose the same box, but I'll admit that I started
off my bento box search looking for something similar to what I saw in her videos.

I wanted my box to have at least two compartments for food. I wanted the food compartments to be stackable, rather than side-by-side...I like the look of the more "slim" box, rather than one that is more wide and tray-like. I also liked that this one appeared to have a separate compartment for utensils...but, in pictures, it looks like people can put food in the top, clear compartment...and then, like, lay the utensils on top. I don't know if I'll do that, though...I feel like it would just make the utensils dirty, which would then get food on your hands, which....I just absolutely hate, to be honest!

I'm not positive that I'll love it, but I'll be sure to let y'all know if I like it or not!

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