So, that's how you end up writing a new post on a long abandoned blog!
I checked, it looks like it's been nearly two years since my last post. TWO YEARS. Wow...
There's been a good deal of change in two years, that's for sure! What kind of change? Mostly good, I think...
- We became home owners!! This is definitely one of the most notable events in the last two years, in my opinion. A couple of months after my previous post, my husband decided to reach out to the realtor that his father used when he sold his house...He told me he reached out to her "just in case" and wanted to kind of get a feel for what houses were available at the time. Well. I don't know if you're familiar with realtors...but, from my experience, they don't typically leave things at "just in case." Before we knew it, we had put in an offer on a house. But it must not have been meant to be, because our offer wasn't, the realtor talked us into putting another offer on a different house! Which! Also wasn't selected. (If you haven't heard, the housing market had been, and still is, absolutely nuts!) After our two offers were passed over, my husband and I were ready to pump the breaks on the buying process. But there was one house that I kept feeling drawn to for some reason, even though it wasn't either of our first choices...we went and toured it for a third time and finally decided to place an offer on the house. It was a really solid offer (I'm a real estate appraiser, just in case you've forgotten ^_^), and before we knew it, we were signing a sales contract and talking to our apartment leasing office about terminating our lease early. Crazy, right? So, yeah. August 2019, we signed our lives away, and now belong to an HOA. Exciting stuff...
- We became a family with a middle schooler! The kiddo is now in the 6th grade and is doing pretty great at crushing the beast known as middle school...I can't believe he's going to be an official teenager this fall. I get all sorts of melancholy and existential when I think about that, so, let's move on!
- We added a critter companion to our party! My husband finally relented to our pleas for a pet. The kiddo and I were angling for a small, hypoallergenic breed, naturally, we got a cat. (Of course!) I've always loved cats, but was never able to have one due to being allergic...but my allergies are weird, apparently, and there are some cats that I have no reaction to, at all! I remembered this, and crossed my fingers that this would be the case when we picked out our little furball. (I was prepared to take allergy medicines and even get shots, if I needed to!) At the time, the kiddo was HUGE into Fortnite...especially the toon Meowscles (giant, muscly cat/man). Meowscles happens to have calico coloration, so the kiddo insisted that we find a calico kitty. We found the perfect little cat at a local cat cafe and brought her home the next day. We named her Marshmello (after the DJ, not the food, per the kiddo), but she pretty much only responds to Kitty. She's pretty turns out I'm definitely a cat person!
- I finally got my full-fledged appraiser's license! And we, my husband and I, started our own appraisal business! Well, we own an LLC that says we do, anyway. I'm still working with my family for their appraisal business full-time, but now, I can do some additional work for myself in my "off time." Eventually, I plan to transition fully to my own business, but I'll have to wait until my parents decide to mostly retire before that happens. So, within the next 5 years or so. But hey, I think it still sounds pretty darn nice to be able to say that I'm an official business owner, and I'm under 40! (Shut up, YouTubers and influencers...nobody asked you!)
I think those might be the biggest updates...a lot of things are still relatively the same. Some aspects of our daily lives have changed, as have everyone else's due to the stupid 'rona. But I suppose there's no getting around that...
It's odd...I actually started this post with a specific, singular, topic to write about...but now I'm several paragraphs in, and haven't even come close to touching said subject! I guess maybe I've missed blogging more than I's a lot like being reunited with a friend that I haven't spoken to in ages. I think this is good...I think I needed to re-discover writing this blog...hopefully it'll become a habitual thing, and there'll be posts fairly often.
So, anyway...the topic I'd initially picked to write about: bento box lunches!
That's the topic up for the next post. There'll be lots of tales of Pinterest fails soon, I promise!
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